The holiday season can be a challenging time to eat sensibly and can be hard to put your needs first leading to a holiday filled with stress, frustration and illness. These tips will help you be mindful and aware, calm and focused. These tips will also help minimize stress, empower you to make better food choices, and avoid illness, which we all know is tough to avoid this time of year.
REFLECT.Take time to reflect what the spirit of the holidays means to you. Explore your feelings and be aware of how powerful they really are. How does food fit into this picture? Are you eating because you are stressed? Bored? Sad? What do you want to do differently this year? And then make it happen.
GRATITUDE.Find something to be grateful for each day until the end of the year. There are so many things to be grateful for. It could be as simple as the sun coming up or the comfort of your warm bed. Focus on the good and notice all the amazing things around you.
SELF-CARE. Take the time to care for yourself. Fill your cup and nourish your soul. Meditate, exercise, take a bath, have lunch with a friend. You’ll find you have more energy, be able to prioritize better, and do all the things that need to be done.
PLAN AHEAD. Spend 5 minutes every morning thinking about your day. What are your goals? Did you schedule a little self-care? Do you have lots of pre-cut fresh vegetables on hand and a bowl of inviting fruit visible? Do you know what is on the menu for dinner? This will minimize impulse food choices that tempt you.
HUMOR.Don’t take yourself too seriously. Laugh out loud and often. Take the time to watch a funny movie or go bowling with friends. Laughter really is the best medicine. It reduces stress and negative thoughts.
EAT MINDFULLY. The holidays bring about lots of gatherings with lots of food and treats. Pick the smaller plate and fill it with healthier options available, but don’t deprive yourself of a little treat, if you are in the mood. Be aware of your choices and why you are picking them. Change your thinking from “I can’t eat that” to “I am choosing not to eat that”. Sit down, eat your food slowly, chew it well, and savor every bite. This will help you really enjoy what you eat without guilt and help your body digest. You’ll also be able to notice when you are full.
If you want a community of people to be mindful with this holiday, join in the Healthy Storry Hangout for the Mindful Holidays Challenge. We’ll focus on being mindful of our choices, enjoy what we eat (including a salad a day), getting enough sleep and drinking water. I’ll provide recipes and motivation to keep you on track for your goals. Come join us! It’s never too late to join. And invite a friend to join you!